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Bread & Butter:

Holly Gaskill is the county government reporter for The News-Banner in Bluffton, Indiana. Her previous reporting experience includes The Berne Witness and Chronicle-Tribune, among numerous freelance publications. Holly graduated magna cum laude from Taylor University in Spring 2022 with a bachelor of science in multimedia journalism and a concentration in news media. During her college career, she served as co-editor in chief of her campus newspaper, The Echo, for two years and received individual awards from the Indiana Collegiate Press Association, Society of Professional Journalists and Pulliam Foundation. Download her resume here:

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Meat & Potatoes:

From a young age, I had an innate passion for writing stories. In first grade, I took to our family desktop and typed away fairytales, fiction and even a family newspaper — the Gaskill Gazette. 

For the longest time, I had no idea where that passion would lead me, but in high school, I dove headfirst into my school's newspaper and yearbook. Though I loved writing, I had never been very good at inventing stories — I wanted something real. I loved how the human aspect brought the story to life. 

Partnering with a love for design, photography and a collaborative work environment, I fell in love with journalism.

I sought a senior internship at my hometown newspaper, The Berne Witness. At first, I had no clue what I was doing there. I was just an intern plopped at a side table in the corner of the office (quite literally). However, that small newspaper office would come to mean the world to me. I discovered I loved to chase down a story and get to the heart of the story — whether that be as simple as an ash wood cabin or as complex as a local Black Lives Matter protest.

I continued on to study multimedia journalism at Taylor University, where I dove headfirst into the campus newspaper, The Echo. From my freshman year as a small fry on the news team, I worked my way up to being co-editor in chief for two award-winning whirlwind years. 


And while I love journalistic writing, I’ve also loved being challenged to expand my repertoire during my college career. I also sought a wealth of different experiences — completing a diverse course load, taking both marketing and journalism internships, and picking up all sorts of editorial and lifestyle writing assignments.


The Echo Staff '18-19

Post-graduation, I accepted my first position at The News-Banner in Bluffton, Indiana to cover county government (though I still do my best to pick up a little bit of everything, just to keep life interesting).


Which kind of brings us today — hi, by the way! My name is Holly Gaskill, and I’m passionate about writing and people. Although a lot has changed since my days fumbling over a desktop to write the Gaskill Gazette, those are two things that won't.

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